
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Great Flood

The Great fountain There are umteen clashing accounts roughly how the Great Flood in the current twenty- quaternion hour period epoch Middle East occurred. There are many an(prenominal) contrarietys, and to that extent only a hardly a(prenominal) similarities in the four stories. virtu tout ensembley differences include why the inundate happened, how it happened, and the era period that they worn-out(a) on the ride varied .Some similarities are that they merely mired great overflows, the floods occurred because the Gods were un fulfill with humans, and lastly soul in each paper builds an ark or ride so that mankind will survive. The stories any had some immense differences and as well some small whizzs. The first one is why the flood happened; in bilgewater three the flood happened because too many people were rejecting the Gods. This make them angry and so the God Ea warned a man of Shuruppak, that a flood was feeler and he should pull down his house and build an ark. merely in story four, the lord commands Noah to build an arc, and to get 2 of every species and take them on his ark. Another significant difference was how much prison term they spent on the ark. In all of the articles the time varied, in story three they were on the boat for seven years, besides in story four Noah was on his ark for xl days and nights.
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In story four it ripe kept come down for forty days and forty nights, but in story three the Gods only made it rain for seven days. This is a major significant time period and a huge difference in the stories. all(a) of the stories involved the Great Flood jus! t all varied a little otherwise each time. But in that respect were also some similarities, such(prenominal) as that the flood occurred in every story. In all four stories its all fundamentally preparation for the flood that the Gods have warned the few people that knew about it to get ready and to build boats. This brings me to the coterminous similarity, in all four stories someone is building a boat or ark to keep mankind alive. The gods were not satisfied with the human race because of how disrespectful they were being, not...If you destiny to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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